Parkland College-Cumberland College Coalition
Strategic Plan 2020-2025: Stronger Together
The Parkland College-Cumberland College Coalition’s 2020-2025 Strategic Plan is titled Stronger Together (PDF, 326 KB).
The plan defines a purpose for the Coalition of providing education and training to address regional labour market needs, preparing learners for employment and further education, and supporting the sustainable social, environmental, and economic development of employers and communities. It introduces a shared vision and mission, as well as seven key values. Four strategic pillars stand on this foundation, accompanied by a set of goals and objectives to guide the Coalition’s efforts and measure its success.
The plan introduces the concept of the “E-Shaped Learner.” While the colleges excel at developing technical skills, this model supplements them with entrepreneurial, electronic literacy, and employability skills.
With the recent two-year extension of the initial two-year pilot, the Coalition is well positioned to implement the initiatives outlined in the plan, focusing on positive outcomes for the colleges’ students, regions, and employers.