Scholarship FAQs
Do I need to submit a transcript for every Entrance Scholarship I apply for?
Most Entrance Scholarships require your high school marks to help us calculate academic merit. We require only one copy of your transcript.
For selection purposes, we require a transcript of either your Grade 12 final marks OR your Grade 12 first semester marks if you are graduating in June. In either case, a High School transcript must be provided to be considered for an award.
NOTE: If you are selected to receive an award you must submit an original transcript and provide your Social Insurance Number.
What is “academic progress”?
For current students, many Internal Scholarships require a copy of your grades to this point in the academic year to help us calculate academic merit. By completing your application, you grant the scholarship committee permission to retrieve your grades for the current academic year. Your information will not be shared outside of the committee and will be used only to calculate academic merit.
How is academic merit determined?
The committee will use the average of the following:
- Highest Grade 12 English
- Highest Grade 12 Math
- A combination of the next-highest marks in three Grade 12 subjects, only one of which may be an Arts class (e.g. Band 30/Choral 30, etc.)
What is a “letter of rationale” and what should it contain?
A letter of rationale is a written statement that gives you the opportunity to explain to the Scholarship Committee why you are the best candidate for the award. The letter of rationale is extremely important as it is the core information looked at when making selections.
• Your letter of rationale should be short and concise (300 words or less).
• The preferred method of submitting your letter of rationale is in your online application. Letters will also be accepted by email or as an attachment sent to [email protected].
• Scholarships determined by academic merit will use the letter of rationale in the unlikely event of a tie.
NOTE: Criteria for the letters of rationale may change slightly for each scholarship, so please check carefully when applying..
If I live outside of Saskatchewan can I still apply for scholarships?
As long as you are enrolled in a program at Parkland College, you are eligible for scholarships. If you took your secondary schooling out of province but now live in the Parkland Region, you can apply for all scholarships as long as you meet their respective eligibility requirements.
How do I apply?
Application forms are only available online. A link to the active application form can be found on this website at Should you apply more than once, the latest application received will be used when selecting scholarship recipients.
When is the scholarship application deadline?
The deadline varies every time awards are made available. Late applications will not be considered.
How many scholarships can I apply for?
You can apply for a maximum of three (3) scholarships. The Scholarship Committee reserves the right to limit the number of scholarships awarded per person. The Scholarship Committee reserves the right to move an application to a different scholarship, if appropriate. Award availability is subject to change.
When will I receive my scholarship money?
Scholarship money is awarded twice a year: in late September for Entrance Scholarships and in March for Internal Scholarships.